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Proactivity not panic 🌿


Why choose a camel you ask?

The camel is one of the most resilient creatures on earth, with the ability to perfectly adapt to the harshest of conditions. And those eyelashes LOVE LOVE LOVE 😍.

In these uncertain and unprecedented times, we also need to draw on our ability to adapt to build our resilience and also, life seems so serious at the moment and camels seem to seriously not give a 💩😆 So...beautiful NNF family, like the lovely camel, we are adapting as effectively and swiftly as we can to this current environment. Please be assured that we are putting yours and our staffs health and well-being as top priority.

I want to assure you that we are doing our utmost to maintain our very high standards of hygiene. The policy we have put in place supports the following procedure:

  • Changing linen between every patient

  • Two handwashing stations dedicated to practitioners and staff

  • Three hand washing stations for patients

  • Anti-bacterial/anti-viral wiping of every contact surface before and after each patient

  • Ceasing the use of headphones (so please provide your own if you like/need the meditation)

  • Removal of children's toy baskets

  • Ceasing the availability of shared tea & water (please bring your own water bottle to stay hydrated)

We ask that if you (or anyone in your family)are having any signs of a cold or flu such as fever, cough, sore throat or shortness of breath that you postpone your appointment until you are feeling better and contact your GP.

We also ask if you have returned from international travel, to please wait 14 days before coming to our clinic. We suggest that all clients implement the guidelines that have been set out to reduce infection, which are:

  • Wash hands often with soap and warm running water for at least 20 seconds and dry with paper towel. We have three hand-washing stations set up in clinic to wash your hands on arrival and again on departure.

  • Try not to touch your eyes, nose and mouth.

  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze and then dispose of the tissue immediately. If you don't have a tissue then cough or sneeze into your elbow, and wash your clothes daily.

  • Stay home if you feel sick.

  • Practice social distancing, avoid handshakes, high fives and physical contact.

  • Continue with healthy habits: eat a nutrient-dense diet, exercise (preferably outside), drink lots of water, get plenty of sleep.

If you have had any close contact with any confirmed cases of coronavirus you must let us know by phone and exclude yourself from the clinic for 14 days. If you have had any contact with someone who is under investigation for being at risk of the virus please wait until you know for sure they are clear before you attend the clinic. Further advice can be obtained from the Australian Government Department of Health website: Please note that phone consults are definitely an option with one of our NNF practitioners if you are unable to keep a face to face appointment. We can help with nutrition, lifestyle and herbal support. Thank you for your understanding. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any queries. These are exceptional circumstances and we are trying to be pro-active rather than panic. Take care, stay healthy, stay strong and big love from team NNF ❤️ Petra xxx Founding Director

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